This is a nasty collection of freaky quotes for your boyfriend to post on Instagram. Use these freaky lines as a caption on your Instagram photos with him. There could be a huge list of freaky things to say your husband or boyfriend to turn him on but these nasty quotes will definitely turn him on in no time.
I am dating with my boyfriend the last 5 years, these freaky quotes for my boyfriend are consumed from our real life. We share nasty and freaky moments with each other posts thousands of our pictures on the Facebook and Instagram with freaky captions. Now I am a new mom, new wife, pushing to make ends meet and struggling to keep my head high, myself happy, see the light at the end of the tunnel. To even think that a glimpse of hope was left out there for the life I had worked so hard for but was falling to pieces right in front of me. I was welcomed with open arms into my boyfriend family. A family that re-opened my eyes back to hope and the positive things in life. This family was a team of men and women just like me. Not necessarily just wanting to get fit or look great in a swimsuit, but wanting to better them in general. When I first joined this family I thought it was weird. Everyone was always so happy about the bad things that were happening to them. And they shared them openly with each other like they had all known each other for years. The goods and the bad in their lives! But it was for a reason! Because WE are there for each other no matter what. We support each other and we fight our battles together. We are a Family. I am blessed to be a part of my boyfriend family. I am blessed to have met all these incredible people. I am blessed to call them friends, family, and sisters. I have them to thank for helping me rekindle the light at the end of the tunnel. I love you all and know I am thankful to have you in my life.
Funny Instagram Freaky Quotes for Him!
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freaky quotes Instagram |
Because when you’re a single dad and you realize you forgot wiped and there's a poppy diaper on board you go to the store in what you're wearing.
What is the nastiest thing a girl could ever ask for to her best boyfriend? Thank you for your continued support throughout our life journey together I love you babe beside your daily night farts in the bed.
It's nice to see my boyfriend with big smiles even after all the delays. I'm sure this is a trip you will be talking about for years to come.
My boyfriend is simply the sweetest person and this reflects a number of people and lives you have already touched and helped in a short amount of time. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you! Keep reaching for the stars freaky guy.
Something that I was given at the beginning of a relationship with my new boyfriend and something I desperately needed in my life was Hope. Hope that there is a way to change your stars. To change the path that you are on! To take a road less traveled and not be afraid.
If you don't want to get punched in the face, learn to respect and wear your manners! Stop acting like a total jerk!
I am going to grab some gel pens next time I'm in the store because the fine tip markers and colored pencils aren't cutting my boyfriend love letter. Those love lines are so small.
Thank you so much for all your amazing chef abilities this weekend. I would have totally started this weekend without you! I am so happy to have met you and add to my crazy family.
After all the fights we have done, my boyfriend finally earned a pair of black hair wings. Thank you, dear barber, for giving him such a special gift! He has just fallen in love with more fights with me.
After some fights and angry moods, we are feeling better. We still have one more fight before we head home but my boyfriend thinks Tom and Jerry are hilarious.
One of my favorite love memories is coloring with my boyfriend. That was our thing and of course, playing goes fish ha. But times like this I know he is still right there coloring with me. He is my best friend and I am so glad I get to carry on our coloring sessions without brushes.
I am so excited for you and this journey you are starting with me and I cannot wait to see you spread your wings and fly. You were made for more and born to fly. Together we will ignite, inspire and spread our wings and roar like wilds.
When you give her a puppy as a gift she'll be pleased until she realizes that you just gave her another responsibility.
I am so proud of you and how far you have come, keep up the great work and soar across the skies. Welcome to the family of horror, pretty boy.
We've laughed, we've cried but the best thing of all is we are a happy couple filled with uniqueness. We are all different in our own ways but still chasing our dreams and spreading our passion.
No one is more deserving of this than you dear! You have the biggest heart and are constantly giving even more than you own. How many times have you told me you are giving someone something and I have to remind you that you aren't made of money?
Facebook is the best place for people who want to be opinionated, but don't have the time to formulate their own opinions.
I used to think that I would never be me. I would work my life away on someone else's schedule and follow their plan for my life. Not anymore. Now I get to build my own dreams, follow my own path, set my own salary, work where and when I want to do something that I love. Thank you, my lovely boyfriend, for giving a total authority over your bank account.
Today, I would like to give back by giving my boyfriend that have been on his toes for so long about wanting to better himself, his health, his mind, but just need that little extra push off the edge to jump in and take the reins on his own life and well-being.
Just a heads up anyone that wants to ever go to a movie with my boyfriend, make sure you arrive an hour early because he has to find the perfect seat.
Because you will always be the second half of my crazy life so, I just want you to know I love you and so thankful for your friendship. I know things are tough right now but just know I am here no matter what.
Usually at this time of year, when the celebrations, gifts and family time have all wound down, many of us begin to focus on what comes next to our boyfriends. What will the New Year bring in our relationship? What will I do differently this year than I have in the past? Where is my heart yearning for me to go with? And then we begin to make the invariable lists.
According to the Statistics Brain Research Institute, here are the Top 10 New Year's resolutions for 2016:
- Lose weight together
- Get organized in our relationship
- Spend less, save more from his wallet
- Enjoy life to the fullest with my boyfriend
- Stay fit and healthy
- Learn something exciting from each other
- Quit smoking
- Help each others in their dreams
- Fall in love once again
- Spend more time with each other
When you look at this list it seems to make sense, right? Everything points toward things we all expect in our lives and our society reinforce those ideas; an ideal body type, material wealth, intellectual pursuits and emotional connection. But where are you? Number 4 seems to be the most connected to us as an individual, but different people enjoy life to the fullest in their own way. Some might see that as gathering with boyfriends on a regular basis, some might define enjoyment as traveling and still others might consider athletic pursuits or interesting adventures to be their greatest joy.
What if the list was geared toward you and stepping into the fullness of your being? Maybe something like this:
- Feel joyful in your body
- Clear clutter from your body, emotions, thoughts and spirit
- Feel abundant in every moment
- Practice gratitude
- Celebrate your amazing body
- Sit quietly on a regular basis
- Gently disengage from outdated practices
- Touch the heart of everyone your encounter
- Fall in love with yourself
- Practice open-hearted connectedness
Does that list of resolutions get you excited or, at least, make you feel like this is something you might want to consider?
What do you notice about the difference in the lists?
Here is what I notice, the first list screams you are not enough and that you have a long way to go toward becoming complete. The second list recognizes the blessings you already possess and focuses on your unique talents and gifts. We all have things we could work on. It is a part of our journey as a being which is human in this incarnation, but we are enough in ourselves.
What else do we know about humans and the way we do things?
Maybe you've heard it takes 21 days to make a new habit stick and while the repetitive nature of doing something for 21 days and having it become part of our routine does help, there is no magic number of days that will make it automatically stick. But even more, important than repetitive action are the emotions and feelings associated with the goal you aspire to fulfill, this is the real key. The subconscious mind is the part of your brain that fulfills the direction you give it with your conscious mind, but your subconscious isn't able to distinguish between reality and your imagination. Whatever you think about continuously will trigger the subconscious to deliver the emotions and feelings associated with that thought; in other words, we can take advantage of this situation to affect change and create the reality we desire. Being in community with other like-minded individuals is a huge help in creating change and reinforcing positive messages, especially in our society where the focus is often on the negative.
With all this in mind, I come to one of my favorite practices - creating vision boards. Somewhat similar to resolutions or goals a vision board is a pictorial representation of what you would like to create in your life. Why had pictures? Because your heart is generally stirred more by pictures which then leads to the emotional feeling associated with the image and voila there you have access to the subconscious mind and the way to affect change. So, does that mean you can only have pictures on your vision boards and not words? Heck no, emotions are triggered by visuals, so words on your vision board are just fine.
There are so many ways to create vision boards and no one way is the right one. What is most important is that the images and words you select help you envision yourself in the reality you are creating. Pictures you've taken or found in magazines or other media, drawings or other artwork you've created, words or phrases that inspire you. All of these work if they spark the feelings of creation, growth and success you seek.
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