Are you looking for some sweet I love you paragraphs for your girlfriend? Sometimes you meet someone you instantly connect with and there start some romantic lines and paragraphs for your crush secretly in your mind! You realize that you are two people on the same mission with the same vision and that vision is to help others see the success they deserve. A boyfriend and girlfriend are two wheels of a bike. Even if one is punctured, a bike will halt or they are two wheels of a bullock cart when one wheel comes out, the cart topples. You may have heard all this, showing the importance of harmony between life partners and equal importance of both in real life, have a lot of lovely memories on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. But many times we find that after the honeymoon period is over, some ego issues crop up. Maybe the wife is earning higher than her husband or she goes too often to her parent’s house or he does not care about her anymore or his mother at home is too interfering according to her. But they escalate to full-blown shouting matches, them not talking to each other, his taking out his bed out in the hall. Then in the early morning patch up with apologies and kisses if there is love left in a relationship or otherwise bickering continues.
Writing long love messages or texting cute love quotes to your partner is not enough, if it is arranged marriage then parents are the scapegoat but if it is love marriage, the problem is more severe. Then there is no scope to blame parents for wrong selection and you have to deal with your own ‘mistake'.Problem here is that the flare up is unexpected and fast.The boyfriend when gets converted into a husband and girlfriend becomes a wife, realization dawns that her ‘Heavenly’ beauty is the outcome of Amazon cosmetics and her a moonlike face when seen early morning looks like a ghost without makeup and messed up hair and you wonder, what did I see in her? She now realizes that whatever his claims to daring before were all bogus when he jumps on the sofa in a hall when a rat is seen in the kitchen. It is a start. Unless they come to their senses and find a word ’Adjustment’ in their dictionary it goes downhill.
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Love Paragraphs for her |
Long Romantic Paragraphs for Her
I want to take a moment of my time to give thanks to God for blessing me with these amazing 12 months and hopefully many more by your side, I love you so much the way you take my breath away with your beauty, the way you motivate me and make me strive to do great things in life, especially I love just how you are with me so loving, caring, and just amazing. You have such a beautiful personality and way of being I would never change anything about you because to me you are perfect. From the messages of you telling me to take care and have a great day, to being careful when I'm driving and to message you when I get from point A to point B. All of that means so much to me. I am so blessed to be able to say you are my girlfriend and to be able to breathe the same air as you, see the same sun, moon, day and nights. As well as to be able to live on this earth and spend my life with you in it I thank God every day for you, I Love You.
I just wanted to say I love you with all my heart and that'll never change. I want to thank you for putting up with me for almost 3 months, I honestly love you so much and I wouldn't trade you for the world. We've been through hell and high water and we always seemed to pull through everything stronger than ever. I'm so happy and lucky to call you mine. I haven't felt so loved from any other girl, you make all the bad thoughts go away, and you make me feel on top of the world. You have no idea how high my self-esteem got when I met you. You made me realize there's a reason to keep trying, to stay positive, that there are a lot of people that would miss me if I were to do something stupid. I haven't been this happy with any other girl. I can't wait to spend the rest of time with you!
Babe, I just wanted to tell you good morning and that I love you. I may make mistakes and say things that I don't mean and do things that don't seem right. But as a man, I must be strong and continue to move forward and with you, in my life, I am proud to say that I have a beautiful girlfriend and a very valuable loving woman in my life who is a great mother and a hard worker. No matter what we go through. I'm not letting go of you and from here on out for the rest of my life I have decided that I am not going to let anything or anyone come between us. No matter how much fire is thrown our way, I'm proud to have you in my life and I'm proud to have you in my heart. And from now on each and every day I'm going to be a better man for you and to you. I know I haven't been the greatest and there have been a few bumps in the road with me. But today is a new day and I'm going to try harder and harder no matter what it takes. Thank you for coming into my life and being that woman who doesn't agree with everything that I say and doesn't fall for my stupidity and tells it like it is whether I like it or not because that's what I need in my life someone real and that's you. The best part about you is that you talk to me you respond to me and you don't leave me hanging for hours a day with excuses for why you couldn't get a hold of me. When you talk to me it's like command and conquers. I love you.
Let me just fill you in on a little advice. It's not what you deserve. It doesn't matter what you've done. You don't get what you deserve you get what you can handle can make you stronger and can challenge you. I have never done hard drugs, never stolen anything that cost more than a red bull, never cheated someone over so badly that they hated themselves. I try to be as nice as possible help as much as I can and be the best friend, person, father, boyfriend, son, grandson, a helper that I can. I never bullied anyone who didn't deserve it. I helped the ones being bullied I helped those who were in need and I stuck by people's side when they needed a friend or just needed someone. So you don't get what you deserve, you get what helps you grow and change and make your life better and worth living. Stuff may seem bad now, but it was worse when you lost someone, when you had your heartbroken, lost a best friend. We've had bad times in all our lives that we didn’t think we could handle. So don't say you can't handle this because like me you've been through a lot some of you've also done a lot. I have always had a helping hand, I never did horrible things to deserve the challenges I get faced with in life every day. But I get them and yes they knock me down and yes they push me past my breaking point but you know what, they taught me things and they still are teaching me. I get up and I face my problems every day, for 1 reason and 1 reason only. They make me stronger and who I am. The mother I am, the daughter I am, the best friend that I am, the boyfriend that I am. The bad times seem rough but they aren't the end they are the beginning to the stronger you. As long as you keep getting back up nothing will ever hold you down.
Short Love Paragraphs for your Girlfriend
Love is when I open my heart to love again that time was not our time but this time differently I believe in destiny because it leads to me to my lovely girlfriend. You know when you love someone your heart is pure with just happiness.
10 years ago today, a wonderful girl asked me to be her boyfriend. As a high-school senior, I did not understand how much my life was about to change for the better. For the last 10 years, this woman has spent every day supporting my dreams and making me laugh. I am so grateful for everything she has done for me and I am excited for the next step in our lives together. I love you with all my heart and words cannot express how grateful for everything you do for me.
There are times we even have misunderstandings. We're not perfect people and things can get intense between us at times. We have our ups and we have our Downs. Some days are roses other days are thorns. But for the most part, I see petals that fall instead of thorns that pierce.
Wait for a second, who would I be without a long paragraph about my two month anniversary with my girlfriend? Thank you for making the last two months the best two months ever. I cannot wait for much more to come. You've made me an amazing person and continue to do so. I cannot wait for what the future has in store for us, and I am so happy to call you mine! You're amazing! I love how you feel at home when you come over and I love all of our adventures and nonstop fun. You're amazing!
I have got the best girlfriend in the world. She has made my life worth living. She has changed me into a better person. She gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. She gives me the motivation and strength to stay sober and get thru this game called life. She has helped me in so many different ways. If it wasn't for her, I'd be dead or in jail. She is my angel that saved my life. She's my one and only, my special someone that I've been looking for my whole life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her and create beautiful memories with her. She is the love of my life. It's me and her, always and forever. In this life and the next, I love you with all my heart.
Today marks the 3yr anniversary of when my life instantly changed for the better. I didn't quite know it then but that day I would meet the love of my life. It didn't take long for me to realize that I found the perfect woman. That's how it works when you find your soul mate, you just know. Some people say relationships are hard work but fortunately for us, I can't say the same. I found a woman I love to be around someone who I can talk to about literally anything and joke around about the stupidest things. She's gorgeous, intelligent, and a pretty good cook. Most importantly she is my best friend. Now that I have her I wouldn't want to imagine life without her. She is the best girlfriend and best mother that anyone can ask for. So cheers to 3yrs, and a lifetime to go. I love you.
Thanks for your help, thanks for your caring heart, thanks for loving my family, thanks for the good advice you give me, thanks for the good plans you have for me, only God can pay you back. Thank you so much. A girlfriend of a mother, sister, father, brother, thanks for changing my life. I will always be good to you. I can write a romantic paragraph for you in my every breath, just give me an order.
This is all me I didn't steal this from the internet or copy and paste from someone else. It just came to me while I was sitting here upset. We have something that is very common with us both that we share personally with ourselves. We are learning more and more about each other as we continue this relationship along the way. If anyone wants to take it y'all can. I just hope it helps someone else out. Thank you, my girl, I know somehow you told me this just now I love you so much and I miss you.
Paragraphs for Your Girlfriend to Post on Facebook
Hi I know it is nobody’s business, but I just want to say one thing I really feel like I need to tell somebody so I'm going to tell everybody on Facebook reading this Honestly I love my girlfriend, and I know it's personal and it shouldn't be anybody's business but I just want to say that I love my girlfriend so much with all my heart and I've never felt this for anybody. I wish I could post a sweet love paragraph for my girlfriend on my Whatsapp or Facebook status but her English is so high and I cannot take that risk.
I still remember that day when I was very nervous, I asked you to be my girlfriend, but as soon as you gave me the” YES “, I felt happier than ever and this happiness has become larger as time passes and counting. I find it hard to explain how my life has changed for the better. By your side I have learned to recognize true love, you are my motivation to be a better person and I will give my best to see you happy. I cannot imagine my life without your great love; you are the woman I always dreamed of. I love you with all my strength because you are the light that illuminates my path. Thank you for the unconditional love and happiness, thanks for giving me so much joy and thanks for being with me all the time. I promise, our future will be the best anyone has ever seen.
It's so true that you find love when you least expect it! After spending a weekend together, I knew she was way more than any girl I had ever dated. And she has never disappointed. Anyone who knows her knows what a good girl she is. She somehow is able to love me unconditionally, which I'll admit is not an easy thing to do. She supports me in everything I do no matter how crazy it is. And most importantly, she loves our pet more than I think any woman has ever loved a dog. Never before have I been so confident in a relationship. Fully knowing that someone loves you and is 100% committed to you is a rare thing these days. But we've got that! To my partner in crime, best friend, and soul mate... Happy anniversary babe! I look forward to spending the rest of our days together (preferably as husband and wife). Here's to the lifetime of love and adventure that awaits us. Love you always.
Today I am overjoyed to celebrate four years with my amazing girlfriend and one of my best friends! It seems like just yesterday we were still a high school couple. A lot has changed for both of us since graduation but you've always remained a treasured and exciting part of my life. These past three years have been some of the best, happy anniversaries I love you! Tomorrow I will post a funny paragraph about our nasty fights, so stay tuned.
Today marks 10 years together with my wife. As a 20-year-old kid, I wasn't looking for the love of my life but I found her anyway. Some people celebrate their wedding anniversary, but we always celebrate the anniversary of the day we met. After all, our wedding was only confirming to others what I had already known for years, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the redhead girl I met in our dance class. During the past 10 years, I have been afforded a level of support and trust that I think few could ever imagine. When I asked her to move across the country to be with me, she did! When I was a skinny kid wanting to be a bodybuilder, she told me to go for it. When I said I wanted to quit my job and try to be a full-time sports advisor, she encouraged me to do it. The person I am today is a direct result of knowing that there is always someone in my corner encouraging me to be all I'm capable of and knowing that if I fail she'll still love me just as much. It has given me the confidence and courage to do things I would have never done on my own. I don't post about her too much on my social media because I usually like to keep our relationship as something just for us but make no mistake about it, this girl means everything to me.
This girl has changed my life. She is beautiful and she is so sweet. I can be myself with her and know she'll always love me, when you just look into her beautiful, sparkly, brownish eyes it just lights your world up. I and she talk a lot about our fears and our flaws. We even talked about how we are afraid to lose each other. We try to make each other laugh. She tickles me when she sees me and gives me love Taps on the shoulder. So I have to shout this gal out for definitely being the best girlfriend in the world.
I get caught up in my thoughts and words around people places and things and sometimes I tend to drift off having a change of thought about what's going on in my head and around me and my life. My past haunts me still. Especially with certain people that cross every now and then in my life people that I've met before. I start to get really weak say things when that happens. but she is my strength and she keeps me strong she always has a way of making me smile even when I'm angry it's like she has some type of sonar that lets her know something isn't right with me through her emotions of her thoughts.
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