Good Morning Poems for Your Girlfriend

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Sending good morning poems to your girlfriend and let her read your sweet morning text with one eye open possibly a great deal for her to start her day with a smile on her face. Scientist discovered that the first morning pictures, phone call, view or text message circulate in the receiver’s mind all the day so don’t afraid to memorize your name in her mind for the whole 24 hours. Simply pick a romantic morning greeting poem or a funny quote for your girlfriend and be the best boyfriend in her opinions.
good morning poems

Cute good morning poems for her!

You know what I love about me?
My diversity!
Ask yourself this morning
What do you love about you?
Good morning

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Your Facebook statuses are my motivation
You guys are hell interesting and awesome
 Good morning sweetie, enjoy this Saturday

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If you can't ever point out one's strengths
Why insist on pointing out their flaws
You know the saying
If you don't have anything nice to say
On that note I hope you have an amazing day!

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Believe should be the
Key word in each and everything
That you do in life,
You are already successful
You lived to see another day
A very good morning to you
You are my lovely friend

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If it fails inside your head
It can never pass in general
Be positive minded all the time
Never let anyone else tell you otherwise
Good morning lovely girl
Start your day with positive thoughts
Good luck

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

No one ever said
This road will be too long
not too short
We never know when the time is
To be in the new place
So we just have to cherish each day
With smile and forget our pain
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everyday God gives us
A new opportunity to be better
Kinder and more loving
To ourselves and others
Happy Sunday morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It doesn’t take much
To be happy for a person
Like me who appreciates
And enjoys the simplest things
In life like being able
To see another day
And being blessed
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today is just as good a day
As any to be loving
Be helpful
Be thankful
Be kind
Be diligent
Be forgiven
Be amazed
Be open to discover
Something beautiful
About your world
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Great relationships
Make all the difference
In the world
It's not about
How many relationships you have
But who you have  
In your life that counts
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Love pray until something happens
Love prays for the recipient and itself
Pray for knowledge and wisdom
Pray for strength and endurance
Pray for health and healing
Pray for love and longevity
Pray until something happens
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Love always shows
It’s attracted to the recipient.
So Love always flirts with the recipient
Love never lets anyone beat them
Flirting with the recipient
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you like what you see
It’s guaranteed someone else does too
So today tell your Eye Candy
How good they look
And ask them out on a date
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Love adds the finishing touches
Love always adds something special
As a finishing touch for the recipient
Today look for ways to add
Little something special for your Love
You'll both be glad
You added the finish touch
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Love wraps
Love puts just
As much love on the wrapping
As it does the gift for the recipient
Sometimes we get so caught up
In what we are getting
For our Love
That we don't pay
Enough attention
To its wrapping
Have a good day

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Love changes everything
Whenever love is applied
To any situation
It changes the outcome
This day look for any
And every opportunity
To bring love into it
And let's make it a great day
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dear ladies y'all always say
You need a guy to love you
But your wish is a wrong statement to state
Y’all should be saying
You want to make a guy love you
Sometimes your make is something
You really want and
Sometimes your need
Is not always needed at the end
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we are born
We have to die
When a seed germinates
It has to wither
When the sun rises
It has to set
The setting of the sun
Doesn’t mean it won't rise again
It will rise and set,
Rise and set, rise and set
Again and again
I want to be that sun
And that sun for you
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Despite the color of royal purple
That adorns my garments daily
If my life were a film it would
Be simply named, Pointless
Just as a circle
It would be a drama of revolving bad habits
Recurring every month
Even as I try to ease my melancholy
With the sound of music
Good morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One of the many challenges
Love can face is scheduling time
For my girlfriend
Life gets in the way
What matters most
Should never be at the mercy
What matters the least
Prioritize who and what's important first
Our assignment reminder
If you don't remember your love assignment
Let's make it happen
Good morning

Related: Valentine Day Quotes and sad goodbye poems
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Funny Karma Revenge Quotes

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You can call for revenge by posting these funny karma quotes on your Instagram bios, photos or Facebook status. Karma is something that is true, but when we rely on it because of our own weaknesses it only shows how defeated we are in every way.

Are you really wonder why the bad things happens to you? Karma is a real thing, and it looks like you just got a heaping helping of it. Maybe if you cared about other people instead of just caring about yourself, bad things wouldn't happen to you so often. If you're looking for sympathy, you won't find it here. Like I said, I'm done caring.

Funny karma quotes

Funny revenge and karma quotes!

  1. If you do something good just so you will have good karma, that act is selfish and will therefore ruin your karma.

  1. To whom it may concern... Revenge is a dish best served cold, and I am the butcher. Karma is a b-itch, I'm Karma's brother. Some wounds never heal, but some have yet to inflict. You've wronged me in the past, but I will right you in the future. You've given pain to others, so you will get what's coming to you.

  1. Life is short and people die everyday certain things people just shouldn't say no matter what hate, no one wish death on no one because Karma will turn that all around.

  1. How could there be such a thing called "karma" unless I wanted to be a victim to my past?

  1. Circles, a lot of things I see going on are part of circles, bit the circles are all different sizes. What goes around comes around it's called or karma. Some people can break these circles while others can not.

  1. Call it prayer, call it good karma or just call it damn good energy from having the most amazing friends a man could possibly have. Whatever it is, it freaking works!

  1. If you're really a mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat poop. Hopefully, this means I need not dispense my own Karma.

  1. Where I'm at, there is no way to stay safe. Just hope my karma for giving that waitress a $9 tip on a $11 bill kicks in.

  1. Sometimes you just have to do things for people and put the past behind you. Not for karma or things in return, but because that's what a good person should do.

  1. Happy New Year! The full moon has just climaxed. Release your last year of karma and pain, and welcome the New Year.

  1. What to say about karma she's either a bad girl or a seraph and mine is a total dangerous.

  1. To the guy that left me for telling the truth, I'm sorry you are such a low life that you have to run from the truth. I hope that one day somebody will give you exactly what you deserve. Going from hoe to hoe isn't cute.3

  1. I wouldn't want someone to cheat on me that's asking for bad karma! Unlike most people I do my best not to screw people over because I know everything you do will catch up to you!

  1. I wonder how much of what happens to me karma is.

  1. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness... I will help you even though you treated me like crap just because I believe in karma. But I know it works both ways.

  1. I don't wish what you're going through now on anyone, but do you think I asked for what you put me through? Everything levels out so think before you act next time around.

  1. Some people are really getting on my nerves I keep biting my tongue karma is a bi-tch keep on running your lips!

  1. I love it when karma does its job! You thought u would have last laugh but guess who's laughing now?

  1. It is confusing when people aren't straight up. Do they like making things harder on themselves or they like bad karma?

  1. It’s sad when people put themselves out there to be the victim. Immaturity at its finest. Karma sees everyone sooner or later.

  1. Boys playing with a girl heart don't makes you a man its makes you stupid but just remember karma!

  1. I would love to say certain things to people but my saying now is rise above it and let karma do the work!

Funny revenge quotes

You may also like our captions and dear haters quotes because you know, thinking about what happened back then and the present, looking at how people make use of me, makes me feel like I'm a tissue paper. But, for sure right now, I'm wise enough to look and think about what I'm supposed to do, that's is to punch you right in the face and make you realize that I believe in karma is way more than a bitc-h and it's going to hit you right in your face.
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Valentine's Day Quotes for Instagram Captions

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Facebook, Instagram and Valentine's Day now necessary for each other because it is a richest platform for cute love quotation marks and photo captions that everyone wants on this special day! Valentine day is a matter of the heart, especially when genuine, cannot be reasoned by being reduced to some sort of timetable. Why one schedule would be unique. Where there is genuine emotional outburst, there isn't time to schedule a plan for such uniqueness; they just occur: that's what happens when the genuine heart is talking.

Valentine's Day quotes

Valentine Day Quotes for Instagram Captions & Bios

  1. Does celebrating Valentine's Day really matter? Should one wait until 14th Feb to prove their love? Shouldn't there be a constant in these things? For me love must be constant and everyday is valentine.
  2. Love is so special a thing to be seasonal. Where you choose to make it, why should it be on 14th Feb? Why can't it be on one's anniversary? Overall, I believe seasonal love is an abuse to love.
  3. Valentine day is only reserved for lovers, so you need to show some uniqueness in your relationship.
  4. Valentine Day is basically good for people who have problems in their relationships so that they correct their mistakes and rejuvenate their relationships.
  5. Every guy is not the same, you can also find ones with big heart who'll be down to care, cherish and love you like you never being loved before.
  6. Valentine’s Day is not a day to prove love. But rather look at it as a day to celebrate love. So a green light to those who are going to celebrate it!
  7. Though love should be expressed all the time, there are special days that keep you feel like you are in paradise, so is 14th Feb. lets the 'old skull enjoy it.
  8. Whatever the case, Valentine day do not a force you either consider it or simply ignore your crush.
  9. There are so many things we don't do regularly in our relationships so a day like Valentine let you try something unusual for that special person and show them that you really care and think of them.
  10. If every day we stay at home, then on such Valentine day take a trip away from home, be different that's what this day means.
  11. Apart from the screaming, fire-works, burnt tires, time with your lover, and part-time excitement, what has changed in your life? Who says resolutions are made only when the 14th February comes? In fact, real resolutions are made during the whole year.
  12. You might do everything gorgeous throughout your relationship but that one special thing you do on Valentine day might strengthen your relationship a lot.
  13. After becoming independent, it means we have been independent since that time, but we have a day to celebrate it.
  14. A soft heart woman is like an insulator. She not only protects you but herself too from sin and temptation. On the other hand, one who doesn't pray is like a heating engine. It can knock anytime.
  15. Confessing love is insufficient. Acting it is efficient.
  16. I never knew how powerful love could be until you came into my life. You have helped me become a better person and the woman I am today. Love you so much.
  17. I fall in love not knowing why or how. It's because love is a special feeling and it doesn't require much answer.
  18. Some people don't get time to prove real affection to their spouses and if such day is set out, and we must give it an honor.
  19. Most things done these days are done because everyone else is doing it!! Nobody wants to be left out on Valentine Day.
  20. As long as there's love, everyday can be a valentine’s day. 14th February is just a day like the rest because it's going to end anyway.

People shouldn't wait for this day in order to prove their love to others but I think it is just a day to remember like we remember and celebrate other days. There is no problem celebrating Valentine’s Day by show of love to one another.

Besides these cute quotes you may also like our poems collection. at 1 month anniversary poems and goodbye poems for your boyfriend.

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